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1. Absorption Test of Brick as per ASTM C61:

1.1 Apparatus:

Balance: The scale or balance used shall have a capacity of not less than 2000 gm, and shall
be sensitive to 0.5 gm.

1.1.2 Oven: Drying an Oven that provides a free circulation of air through the oven and is capable of maintaining a temperature between 110 and 115°C shall be used.

1.2 Test Specimens: The test specimens shall consist of half-brick. Five specimens shall be tested.

1.3 Procedure (24-h Absorption Tests)

1. 3. 1 Dry and cool the test specimens (in accordance with 1.1 and 1.2 of Article VII) and weigh each one.

1. 3. 2 Saturation: Submerge the dry, cooled specimen, without preliminary partial immersion, in clean water (soft, distilled or rainwater) at 15.5 to 30°C for the specified time (here 24 hours). Remove the specimen, wipe off the surface water with a damp cloth and weigh the specimen. Complete weighing of each specimen within 5 min after removing the specimen from the bath.

1.4 Calculation: Calculate the absorption of each specimen as follows:

Absorption , % = Ws-Wd/Wd * 100

Wd=dry weight of the specimen in Kg(lb.), and
Ws = saturated weight of the specimen in Kg(lb.) after submersion in water.

1.5 Report: Report the average absorption of all the specimens tested as the absorption of the lot.

Water Absorption Test on Bricks, Water Absorption Test of Bricks,
Water Absorption Test On Brick, Water Absorption of bricks.

2. Absorption Test of Brick as per Bangladesh Standards (BDS 208, 1980):

2.1 Test Specimen: Test specimens shall consist of whole bricks. Six specimens shall be tested for water absorption.

2.2 Procedure: The test specimens shall be dried in a ventilated oven at 110°C-115°C for 48 hours or more until constant weight. The specimen shall be deemed to have reached the constant weight when after 2 hours drying in the same oven, the loss in weight does not exceed 0.1%. Each specimen shall immediately be weighed, which shall be called the dry weight of the specimen. The dry specimens shall then be cooled in the air at room temperature for about 2 hours, after which they shall be immersed completely in clean water for 24 hours. Each specimen shall then be removed from the water, the surface wiped off with a damp cloth, and the specimen weighed. Weighing of anyone specimen shall be completed within 3 minutes after removing the specimen from the water. This shall be called the wet weight.

2.3 Calculation: The percentage of water absorption by weight shall be calculated as described in 1.4

2. 4 Report: The average value of the six specimens shall be taken as the water absorption of the batch.

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