Every opening in the metal wire cloth in a test sieve shall be eligible for inspection for compliance
with the requirements listed in the table.
When a Sieve has 20 openings or less, all openings shall be measured. In other cases the examination
Shall proceed in stages from a survey of general condition to methodical scrutiny of individual
openingS, and finally to measurement of opening size for compliance with the tolerances.
Test-1: Examination of General Condition of the Wire Cloth
For this purpose the sieve cloth shall be viewed against a uniformly illuminated background. If
obvious deviations from Table, for example weaving defects, creases, wrinkles, foreign matter in the
cloth, are found, the sieve is unacceptable.
Test-2: Examination of Openings For Tolerance
The observer shall carefully and methodically examine the appearance of all the openings, in order
to detect oversize openings. Openings whose width deviates by about 10% of the average value are
apparent to the unaided eye of a skilled observer. By this method, known as the "handicap method",
it is probable that all oversize openings exceeding the average value by about 10% or more will be
detected. At the same time it is easily possible to detect sequences of large openings, and local
irregularities in the weaving, appearing as distortions of the openings. If one opening is found to be
oversize by more than the maximum permissible limit X, the sieve is unacceptable.
Test-3: Assessment of Openings Exceeding the Intermediate Limit of W+7
Those openings whose width is between the limits of w+Z and w+X (See Note) shall be counted, or
their proportion of the total number or opening determined from representative sample regions. If
these openings exceed the permissible limits, the sieve is unacceptable.
Standard Specification for Woven Wire Test Sieve Cloth and Test Sieves,Wire Cloth and Sieves for Testing Purposes
Test-4: measurements of the average size of Opening and Average Diameter of Wire
After a sieve has been found acceptable by the above tests, measurement of the average size of
opening and diameter of wire shall be made on sample regions. These average values Shall lie within
the prescribed limits given in Table 3.2.
The average size shall be measured over at last 10 openings, if available, in each direction in each of at least two positions on the cloth. If the results from the two fields fall in different tolerance bands and if they contradict the information from the Table, the average sizes at more positions on the
cloth shall be checked.
Responsibility for Inspection:
Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the producer is responsible for the
performance of all inspection and test requirements specified herein. Except as otherwise specified
in the contract or order, the producer may use its own or any other suitable facilities for the
performance of the inspection and test requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the
purchaser. The purchaser shall have the right to perform any of the inspections and tests set forth in
this specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to ensure that material conforms to
prescribed requirements.
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